Before Anyone Else

by Rob Post

Bae the danish word for poop (for real, I looked it up) or term used for ones significant other.  Mankind is always advancing to new ways to name their boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife.  We’ve gone from “lily of the valley” to “boo”.  Now we have Bae, short for “before anyone else.”

I can’t bash the term Bae, even though it took me a while to figure out it was a romantic term and not a sheep’s voice. Bae may be cute for couples, but before anyone else isn’t the best place for a girlfriend or boyfriend to be in a relationship.

I was recently studying about having relationship with God. A relationship is an connection between two. Reading Romans 5  (Read full chapter) we see that connection was severed when Adam sinned. But we also see the price God paid to restore the relationship by giving Jesus.  Our relationship restored was so important to God, even when we weren’t serving God. (Rom. 5:6)  God cares about our relationship with Him. We are a priority, the same as He should be to us. Nothing is more important than your relationship with God.

Anaylze where your relationship with God fits into your life. He has a loving commitment to you and see you grow spiritually.  Take the time to invest in your relationship with your Heavenly Father through reading scripture.

Until the next word for your “man or woman crushes” comes along. Keep Him before anyone else…